Searching for recipies that include cilantro:
Just a big ol' heap of ooey-gooey messy delicious nachos that won't make you feel like crap later. Go team!

An Indian spiced pop of protein will intrigue your family and friends for a minute.... then, poof! the plate is clean!  

Marinated  and roasted tempeh paired with cool and spicy mango salsa (or cream sauce!) - yes please!!!

When Cinco de Mayo falls on a Sunday - you brunch, Mexi style!

This vegan Mexican Street Corn is everything you love about grilled Mexican street corn without the dairy! Fresh, sweet corn on the cob (elotes), or sliced off the cob (esquites), is slathered with my delicious mayo, cilantro, lime, and a dash of spice! An easy summer side dish recipe!

Serve these at your next party and watch them disappear! The light and sweet pico de gallo atop the messy, yummy "pork" is the perfect combination!

Collagen supplements seem to be all the rage right now and did you know that you can get the same (actually, even better) results in helping to smooth out those wrinkles and re-create that supple skin by what is on the end of your fork?? The amino acids in this salad help support collagen production...

Meanwhile, knowing bikini season is right around the corner, you're gnawing on celery, hoping that will satisfy your appetite. Girl, stop that! Muddle a few ingredients (fine, put in your blender - it's kind of the same), top with a bit of simple syrup (the real stuff!) and vodka. Go smile and stru...

FEBRUARY IS HEART HEALTH MONTH:: Whip up this heart healthy one pot meal in less than 30 minutes and you can eat all week! This oil-free and gluten free plant based pot of perfection that includes immune supportive kale and fiber/protein packed quinoa and beans will have your tummy satisfied and tha...

Now, HERE'S a healthy burger!  By adding spinach to these little patties, you can forgo that salad (kids, rejoice!), but still get your greens in.  Genius.  

Ingredients Index