Dylan Dryer's Minestrone

I love the Today Show and so does Jill Devine, rock-star first guest host in my new year-long series of Give Back Sessions. This initiative's mission, all held at the Center for Plant-based Living, is an effort to give back to 12 organizations in need in the year 2020. This month we are giving all the proceeds to Annie's Hope.

Jill especially loves the adorable Dylan Dryer and most recently came across her minestrone and she found out both her kids and her husband love. SCORE!! In talking with Jill about how we want to run her Give Back Session, she mentioned Dylan's soup and that's when we decided we will talk about how to get nutrient dense foods in kiddos in this rush rush world. This soup is easily batch-cooked, so make a lot of this sucker and simply heat up for a few nights.

Here's a link to Dylan's soup, which includes (ah-hem) pancetta and parmesan, h o w e v e r, I hopefully didn't change things too much in my vegan version. And, a side note, both my hubs and mom said this was quite possibly the best soup I have ever made. The cheese component is from the incredibly talented (I love this woman!) Miyoko Shinner. I used her Herbs de Provence Cheese Wheel and I really think this is the "secret ingredient" that sets this apart from any other plant-based minestrone you will ever try.




  • 6 carrots, chopped
  • 6 stalks of celery, chopped
  • 1 sweet onion, chopped small
  • 6 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 large zucchini, chopped small
  • 1 14oz can of cannelini beans, drained
  • 1 28 oz can of whole, peeled San Marzano tomatoes
  • 6 cups of vegetable broth
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid smoke (or 2 teaspoons of smoked paprika)
  • 1 cup gluten-free elbow noodles (I used Jovial)
  • 1/4 cup of Miyoko's semi-firm aged Herbs de Provence cheese wheel, shredded + extra thin slices for garnish


Preheat a large sauce pan or dutch pan and add in the carrots, celery and the onion. Bring the heat down to medium-high and continually stir. If there is a bit of stickage, de-glaze with a tablespoon of water. When the vegetables begin to soften, add in the zucchini and the garlic.

Stir and when the garlic becomes fragrant (about 1 minute), take the tomatoes one by one and crush them in your hand and add to the vegetables along withe the sauce. Pour in the broth, the liquid smoke (if using) and the noodles. Bring up to a boil and down to a simmer. Cook for 8-10 minutes. Stir in the grated cheese. Test the noodles for doneness.

Serve in to 6 bowls and add a few slices of the cheese to garnish.

***Save time shopping! ***
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