Black Bean Burger with Carrots, Walnuts and Pepitas

Now, how in the heck are you gonna create a manly burger that is vegan, soy free, oil free, and gluten free and still taste like it could be a contender in the Annual Neighborhood Summer Burger-Off? 

Just.  Like.  This.


Enter, the Black Bean Burger with Carrots, Walnuts and Pepitas.



  • 1/2 C yellow onion, diced small
  • 2-3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 3 carrots, cut in to 3-4 large pieces
  • 1 C walnuts
  • 2 TBS pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds)
  • large handful of baby spinach, washed
  • 1.5 C (1 14 oz can) black beans, rinsed
  • 1/2 - 3/4 C chunky salsa (heat to taste)
  • 1 TBS chili garlic sauce
  • 1 TBS Benson's Table Tasty (or another sodium free Italian seasoning)
  • 1.5 C quick oats





Preheat oven to 350 / or prepare grill.

In a skillet, and over a med-high flame, heat up some water or vegetable broth and begin to saute the onions.  Once the onions are beginning to become translucent, add in the garlic and continue to cook for another 30 seconds or so.  (You may have to add in a little more liquid as it will evaporate.)  Remove from heat and allow to cool.

In a food processor, add carrots, walnuts and pepitas.  Pulse until well mixed, broken down, yet still a bit chunky.  Transfer to a large mixing bowl.  Now, place spinach in food processor and let allow to go for about 15 seconds, until well broken down, yet not pureed.  Pour that on top on the carrot mixture.  Place black beans in food processor and pulse until most of the beans begin to break apart, but leaving a few still in tact.  Put those also in the large mixing bowl with the carrots and spinach.  Now, add in the garlic chili sauce, salsa, Table Tasty and oats and top with your sauteed onions and garlic.

Mix all ingredients together with your hands, taste for flavor and heat.  Cover the burger mix and place in refrigerator for at least an hour to over night. (This will help them stick together.)

Patty up the burgers to desired size and place on parchment paper and cook in oven for about 30 minutes, flipping halfway through.  If cooking on a grill, cook, each side for about 7-8 minutes. 


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How did this recipe work out?

Posted by Martie Metzler on
This recipe looks great, and meets most of my diet criteria; soy free, dairy free, meat free. But I am also trying to be free of processed foods, so I could use help with substitutes for the seasonings.

Thanks for your help! This is new to me, and I'm dying for a good burger.

PS any suggestions for substitutes for Dijon mustard, mayo, and dill pickles?

Mega thanks!
Posted by caryn on
Hi Martie,

Here is a good chile sauce recipe, super easy and If sealed really well, I'm sure keeps for a while too.

You can find some really great salasas out on the market, or make your own as well. If you are near a Farmers' Market, they typically have vendors that sell it as well. I love seeing all the different concoctions!

You might want to try out Bensons, it was recommended to me by the son of a client who lives out in L.A. and is a strict McDougall follower. I'm also a fan of Trader Joes 21 Seasoning Salute (sodium free).

As for Dijon, I'm wondering why you are interested in substituting? I am a fan of the Whole Foods 365 brand. I try to stay away from vegan mayo because I'll eat the whole jar! However, when I do buy it, Veganaise is typically the one I pick up. Bubbies brand for off the shelf pickles, but again, your Farmers's Market will probably have the best in town.

Hope this helps you.
Posted by Sammi on
I had Toum for the first time about 25 years ago in a Lebanese restaurant in St. Paul, MN. I would also pucasrhe small containers of Toum from a small Mexican-Lebanese grocery store several miles from the restaurant. I got hooked and turned into a Toum junkie. Unfortunately, my wife was in the early stages of her first pregnancy and she couldn't stand to be within 25 feet of me after I had been eating the stuff or she'd experience severe morning sickness regardless of the time of day. We eventually moved too far away to get back to either establishment on a regular basis, which probably saved our marriage and allowed for additional children. I've found recipes for Toum previously and I succeeded in making it once or twice in a blender. More recent attempts to make it, however, have been dismal failures. I had Toum again in November at a South Bend, Indiana restaurant following a Notre Dame football game. It was as good as I remembered it and it rekindled my determination to make it at home. I tried my old method again with the same disappointing results. I found your recipe on this site and gave it a whirl. Wonderful! I think you touched upon a very important factor in your blog for those struggling with making Toum: Size matters. In my failed efforts I had tried to make proportionately smaller batches and ended up with lumpy, separated liquid. Larger amounts made in a food processor is the key to success. I, along with my menopausal wife and grown children, thank you!
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