Fruity Quesadillas with Kale Cashew Cheese

Fruity quesadillas? Kale Cheese? What the...?
Trust me on this one.
1C raw and unsalted cashews
1C kale
3/4 C water
Gluten Free tortillas
Organic and sugar free preserves
Banana sliced thinly
Strawberries, slice thinly (optional)
Earth Balance Buttery Spread (optional)
To make the cashew cheese:
In a blender, purée the cashews, kale and 1/2 cup of water, adding in the final 1/4 cup as you blend.
In a wide skillet coated with Earth Balance (if using) over med high heat, place two tortillas in your pan. Spread the preserves over one tortilla and the cashew cheese on another. Press in the banana slices and the strawberry slices (if using) onto the cashew cheese and top with the tortilla spread with preserves. Grill each side until lightly crispy, about two minutes each side.
Cut quesadilla into triangles and serve immediately.