Searching for recipies that include Earth Balance Buttery Spread:
Ya know when as a kid, you are forced to eat something so often that sooner or later you are totally turned off by it, for like, umm…EVER?! I recently had this conversation with someone who had this experience with beets (too bad, they really are delicious when roasted).  Well, my too much of a goo...

Fruity quesadillas?  Kale Cheese?  What the...?Trust me on this one.

Call it whatever you'd like, but we all know this SOS perhaps now as an unidentifiable glob, of, well, something on a toasted mini rye that tastes nothing less than heavenly. 

As unappealing as it sounds to me, I have to give the creator of the Turducken some cred - that was pretty inventive. As the trends with the Thanksgiving turkey come and go (smoked, fried, stuffed into other species of birds...), too there has been a slow but apparent uprise in creative veg dishes s...

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