
I'm not surprised by much, but when I dipped one of these into the mayo and then shoved it in my mouth (recipe testing is not pretty), the angels sang.

Think you need tofu to be deep fried to get that great crispy outside? Nah! This is so easy you won't believe it!


No fake cheeses. No heavy cashews. Just packed with spinach, artichokes and mushrooms, tofu and aromatics!

Seriously the best tapenade you'll ever have. Seriously.

I have been eating onion rings ever since I can remember and I was determined to create a recipe that is easy and something I would crave again. Done and done! I'm addicted to these!  

In only 5 ingredients you have America's favorite appetizer. Healthified.

Serve these at your next party and watch them disappear! The light and sweet pico de gallo atop the messy, yummy "pork" is the perfect combination!

This deliciously light, yet creamy and filling soup will offer a boost in your immune system keeping those sniffles away all winter long.

Creamy, coconutty soup with a hint of spice from your favorite curry. This has got cozy written all over it.