Searching for recipies that include marinara sauce:
Commonly found in the Mediterranan, the cardoon is a thick fibrous multi-stalk vegetable - think, a giant bunch of celery. However, it is a part of the sunflower family, closely related to the artichoke. Actually, they are known as the artichoke thistle! Be sure to cook these as they are not as cris...

Crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside, these slightly cheesy and softly herbed tofu sticks are a favorite finger food minus all the oil and fat we used to find in the deep-fried chicken finger counterparts

MAMA MIA!  If your Italian vegan cousin (surely, there must be one and she has to be a cousin to someone...right?) comes to visit anytime soon, you might want to feed her this if she's feeling a little homesick. 

Wanna carb load without the carb? Read on, my friend.

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