Searching for recipies that include garlic powder:
Not a fan of the word, 'superfood', I have to give props to turmeric. We just filmed an episode of The Doc and Chef Show where Dr. Loomis dives into all the truly incredible health benefits (the list is loooooong!) and I follow up with this delicious Roasted Turmeric Cauliflower!

Saucy! Hot! Spicy! And, oh, so addictive!

Need to get your beans and greens in? This hearty little dish can be a side or the main event with its complex flavors and lots of texture. Batch this and enjoy it all week long!

A little hot, a little smoky, a little sweet - everything you want for all of your Mexican dishes!

Now, HERE'S a healthy burger!  By adding spinach to these little patties, you can forgo that salad (kids, rejoice!), but still get your greens in.  Genius.  

As unappealing as it sounds to me, I have to give the creator of the Turducken some cred - that was pretty inventive. As the trends with the Thanksgiving turkey come and go (smoked, fried, stuffed into other species of birds...), too there has been a slow but apparent uprise in creative veg dishes s...

You love ranch. You love hot sauce. Mash 'em up! I'm a little bit in love with locally made green sriracha, Sriracha Granada, and thought it would be the perfect ingredient to heat up a tofu ranch. I was right; hope you love it, too.

Sriracha Tofu is great to have in the fridge to top on salads, as a pizza topping, mix with vegetables, whatever you can dream up!

Did you used to slurp Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing like me? I remember thinking that stuff was insanely good and you could have put it on anything, in fact, I did.  But, no more.  Using sunflower seeds and a little creativity I whipped this up and would you believe i actually caught myself eating it...

Craving Mexican tonight? This tamale bowl is perfect! The creamy, cheesy polenta is a surprise at the bottom, topped with roasted corn, sweet bell peppers, a back bean and green chile mixture, fresh baby kale and topped with a spicy, smoky chipotle tomato sauce!

Ingredients Index