St. Louis' FIRST Plant-based Nutrition Summit

Are you:
- Tired of taking those high blood pressure meds?
- Struggling with type 2 diabetes?
- Scared you might have heart disease like others in your family?
So is most of the country. When did chronic illnesses become the norm?
You'll learn the answer to that question and more importantly, how to quite possibly reverse and even prevent the most common chronic illnesses that plague us today at this year's Plant-based Nutrition Summit held at Washington University in St. Louis on Saturday July 14.
With 75% of today's healthcare costs going to treat the symptoms of chronic illnesses, why not get to the root cause and truly reverse the sickness? Many chronic illnesses can sometimes be described as food-borne illnesses, meaning an unhealthy diet brought on the disease. A pill for every ill is not the answer, so why take pills for something food initiated?
If you find yourself asking why your doctor never told you this, chances are they never learned this in med school. This seems odd now in the advent of the seemingly obvious connection between type of food we eat and the state of our health. Things are turning around, however, and medical institutions are taking note. The presenters will be offering hard and progressive science to back up their presentations and it's just this evidence that the healthcare industry is examining and also turning an ear to. So, don't blame your doc, invite them to join you.
For this very special event we have world renowned researchers and physicians presenting some incredibly important topics:
Michael Greger, MD, FACLM of will address the role of diet in preventing, arresting, and reversing our top 15 causes of death.
Caldwell Essesltyn, MD, Jr., will discuss the nutritional reversal of cardiovascular disease.
Scott Stoll, MD, of The Plantrician Project will explore children's health, epigenetics, and the lifestyle factors that lay the groundwork for potential cancer - and how to avoid it
Local doc, Fred Williams, MD of St. Luke's Hospital will present on your microbiome, it is what you eat.
Jim Loomis, MD, MBA, (previously also with St. Luke's here in St. Louis), with The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in Washington, DC will discuss food as medicine and the role of a whole food, plant-based diet in the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Many still say they are looking for that "magic pill" and I can very honestly say that I have witnessed good health begin to return in chronically ill people within 72 hours. By changing your diet to reflect foods that you can easily find in ANY grocery store, you can also find this to be true. It many not be easy, but I promise it is quite simple and it begins with a plant on every plate. Please join us.