Naked Food Magazine National Feature

**(UPDATE as of 4/12 - You can watch the video of this feature roll out on NBC's St. Louis affiliate, KSDK here)**
I'd like to thank Margarita Restrepo and the entire staff of Naked Food Magazine for offering me a national feature in this Spring 2017 edition! Naked is a continually much anticipated source of education, inspiration and beauty delivered to my mailbox 4Xs a year.
I look forward to paging through each beautifully photographed, ad-free issue knowing it will be filled with articles written by physicians and researchers who are highly acclaimed in the food/nutrition/science/healthcare field where I have found myself in over the past 8+ years now.
Each issue holds heavyweights like Dr. Neal Barnard (founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), Dr. Michael Greger (founder of and Dr John McDougall (founder of Dr. McDougall's Health and Medical Center) who are all found in this Spring issue.
Delicious and easy to create recipes line the magazine which are perfectly approachable for the plant-based newbie and create a great foundation for the seasoned cook, simply looking for creativity. Newly released book reviews, timely and relevant articles helping readers transition and maintain a plant-based lifestyle are also found in every robust issue.
As a plant-based educator and certified health and wellness coach, I keep up on solid and helpful resources for my class attendees and clients and this is one resource I continually "prescribe" and encourage you to do the same.
You can get your issue on-line here or check this list of stores listed by state where you can pick up your copy.