PRESS RELEASE: Plant-based Nutrition Summit

Contact Name: Caryn Dugan
Organization: STLVegGirl, LLC
Phone Number: 314-303-7832
Nutrition Summit Promotes Plant-based Nutrition to Prevent Disease
St. Louis, MO (May 30, 2018): St. Louis’ first Plant-based Nutrition Summit will take place at Washington University on Saturday, July 14. Featuring world renowned experts on plant-based nutrition, the Summit will educate the public on the heath benefits of a plant-centric diet.
According to the Centers for Disease Control 86% of all healthcare dollars are spent treating preventable diseases such as heart disease, stroke and Type 2 diabetes. One out of every five healthcare dollars is spent on the treatment of Type 2 diabetes, the prototypical “food borne” illness”. These chronic diseases account for 7 out of 10 deaths in the United States. The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services tells us 15,000 people die of heart disease every year in our state alone.
The impressive line-up of speakers includes Michael Greger, MD founder of the science supported plant-based educational website, and author of the best-selling book, How Not to Die; Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., MD, of the Cleveland Clinic and author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease; Scott Stoll, MD, co-founder of The Plantrician Project and the highly respected International Plant-based Nutrition Healthcare Conference; Fred Williams, MD, plant-based nutrition supporting gastroenterologist of St. Luke’s Hospital in St. Louis; James Loomis, MD, MBA, Medical Director of The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine’s Barnard Medical Center, and Caryn Dugan, founder of STLVegGirl, plant-based culinary, nutrition and lifestyle expert and frequent guest of NBC, CBS and FOX affiliate morning shows. Many of the physicians have also been featured in movies such as Forks Over Knives, What the Health, Eating you Alive and the soon to be released, The Game Changers.
The topics to be addressed in this one day Summit include:
- The use of nutrition to prevent and reverse heart disease
- How to reverse and prevent type 2 diabetes though nutrition
- Children’s health and lifestyle factors that lay the groundwork for cancer (and how to avoid it)
- Your microbiome - what is it and how it is affected by the foods we eat
- The role diet plays in our nation’s top 15 causes of death
- Preparing quick and easy plant-based meals
“As a local leader in plant-based nutrition education, I have enjoyed spreading the word on the health benefits of a plant-based diet over the past 7 years” Dugan says, “It’s now time to invite in the researchers and experts themselves to St. Louis so they can relay this information in a way only they know how. It truly is a great honor to have them here in our town, and I’m so excited that the people of St. Louis now have the chance to meet these pioneering physicians who are helping people make the connection between food and health. This information will, with no exaggeration at all, save lives.”
For more information, please visit Visit this link for a printable hi-res flyer.